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Making Boat Procession Phinisi | Part. II

Installation of clamp board is paid off, accompanied by ceremonial "Kalebiseang". Ceremony "Anjerreki" namely to strengthen the hull, followed by preparation of the board from the bottom with the smallest width to the top with the widest size. The total number of board basis for the boats pinisi is 126 sheets. After a board composed terrace, followed by installation of the stern where the rudder put the bottom.

Board the boat was completed, followed by a job "a'panisi", which include dust cloth on the sidelines of the board. So that the connection between strong glue boards, used a type of adhesive material from barruk bark. Next, do allepa, namely in the putty.

Materials made from a mixture of lime putty and coconut oil. The mixture was stirred for 12 hours, treated at least six people. To ship 100 tons, it takes 20 pounds of body putty ship. The final touch is to rub the skin pepaya 

Until modern times, this long process remain a part of making pinisi. "Just because wood is now generally have to be purchased, the rituals we do from now on make," said Muslim. Pinisi ancestors is still often questioned. The French and the Germans had claimed that pinisi actually not native to the archipelago, but from their country.

According to the version of the foreign researchers who like to tamper with the history of man, boat types pinisi it emerged in the archipelago around the 1840s. A French-German Caucasian descent fled to Kuala Trengganu and married a Malay girl.  

To support himself in the foreign country, the Caucasian who then unknown named Martin Perrot's work became a carpenter. One day, King Terengganu, Sultan Baginda Omar, told The Western make a boat that resembles a boat's most modern West. 

So, Perrot was made two sailboat mast - he said - the forerunner pinisi. But there is also another version that says that the pinisi actually comes from a port in the Mediterranean Sea (Italy), named the Venice, known as the bustling port town visited by ships from all over the world, including Indonesia. Moreover, spices from Indonesia, many ordered from mainland Europe. 

But in Indonesia, especially TanahBeru,Bontobahari  District, South Sulawesi, pinisi actually existed long before. Is Sawerigading, the crown prince Luwu in coastal South Sulawesi, who made it. This Sawerigading main character chronicle La Galigo, which is expected to be made between the 14th century and into the 16th. 

The story, the prince's new home was traveling and instead fell in love with his own twin sister, Watenri Abeng. Of course the King and Queen was furious. Sawerigading even entertain Sawerigading dilaknat.Untuk, Watenri told his twin brother is going to China. Reportedly, in the country there is a daughter whose face was similar to Watenri named Puteri We Cudai. Sawerigading complied, but unfortunately, he did not have a ship that is strong enough to get to China. 

To create a powerful new ship, it takes a tree trunk or tree welengrenge Gods in Mangkutu. But it was not easy to cut down the tree. So before the cut, big-besaraan ceremony was held, chaired by the grandmother Sawerigading. 

From Sawerigading pinisi was first born. Sawerigading had sailed to China. But first, he could say the oath, will not be allowed to return to Luwu except when the bone was brought rats. Long story short, managed to marry the daughter Sawerigading We Cudai from China. But so long living in China, Sawerigading so missed his homeland. 

He also sailed back to the ground Luwu. Sawerigading forgot his vow. By boat docked on the beach Luwu, the boat suddenly broke. Fractional boat stranded in three places. The entire board hull boat stranded in Ara. Rigging and sails were stranded at Bira, while the keel is on the bow to stern was thrown in Lemo Lemo. 

People in the three regions surrounding the Land of Beru's what became known as a reliable pinisi maker. Appears also the phrase "Panre patangan'na Bira, Paingkolo Arayya tu, tu Pabingkung Lemo Lemoa ", meaning" expert view of Bira, experts use singkolo (a tool to close up the board) of Ara, and experts from Lemo Lemo smoothing ". Many believe, pinisi be perfect if it is done by the boat manufacturer from third place.

Although many versions claim pinisi born in the land side, until now the iconic ship the Indonesian nation. From ancient times, sailors Indonesia is not only controlled waters within the territory of Indonesia, also crossed to the far, beyond national borders, also adds to the constellation of power and even abroad.

Eminent Indonesian sailors sailed down to Madagascar, sailing the Pacific Ocean, even to go home and go to Mecca. Pinisi Nusantara Expedition which sailed to Vancouver, Canada, traveled approximately 10,000 miles, takes 62 days, in 1986. In 1987, there is another boat expedition Padewakang, "Heart Marige" to Darwin, Australia, following the classic route. Then Ammanagappa Expedition to Madagascar. Last voyage to Japan pinisi Damar Segara.

Bugis sailors become loyal heir to the marine spirit. Since old times, they not only sailed for the purposes of trade, also for other purposes, including to invest their influence, either through cultural and political.

Moreover, experts creators entrenched in the archipelago. Boat enthusiasts came from all over the world to order it in this country, who else would dare claim? Moreover, in the minds of the boat maker always heave a patriotic song that always rang: "My ancestors a sailor, likes to wade vast ocean, crashing waves, without fear, taking the storm, have been normal."    
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