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History Phinisi

Phinisi Tana Beru

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Showing posts with label History Phinisi. Show all posts

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Ritual Adat Peluncuran Perahu Phinisi Di Tanjung Bira

Sebuah perahu phinisi berukuran jumbo kini sudah berada di lautan dan bersiap-siap mengarungi samudra yang luas. Perahu tradisional khas Kabupaten Bulukumba itu akan berlayar dari Pantai Panrang Luhu, Desa Bira, Kecamatan Bontobahari, Bulukumba, menuju Polandia di Eropa.
Perahu phinisi adalah kapal layar tradisional khas asal Indonesia, yang berasal dari Suku Bugis dan Suku Makassar di Sulawesi Selatan, yang pembuatannya umumnya dilakukan oleh orang-orang Bulukumba di tepi laut sebuah desa di Kecamatan Bontobahari, Kabupaten Bulukumba.
Kapal ini umumnya memiliki dua tiang layar utama dan tujuh buah layar, yaitu tiga di ujung depan, dua di depan, dan dua di belakang. Perahu phinisi umumnya digunakan untuk pengangkutan barang antarpulau. Tujuh buah layar di perahu phinisi konon melambangkan bahwa nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia berani dan mampu mengarungi tujuh samudra besar di dunia.
Meskipun zaman sudah modern bahkan kini kita sudah berada di era milenium, pembuatan dan peluncuran perahu phinisi hingga kini masih diwarnai acara ritual adat.
Peluncuran perahu phinisi jumbo berukuran panjang 50 meter, lebar 10 meter, kedalaman 5 meter, serta tonase sekitar 800 - 900 ton, di Pantai Panrang Luhu, Desa Bira, Kecamatan Bontobahari, Bulukumba, dilakukan dengan melangsungkan ritual adat pada Selasa malam, 8 November 2011, disaksikan sejumlah pejabat dan masyarakat Bulukumba.
Haji Baso Muslim yang memimpin pembuatan perahu tersebut menjelaskan, perahu phinisi yang dibuat atas pesanan dari Polandia dengan harga pemesanan sekitar Rp 4 miliar itu, kondisinya belum sempurna seratus persen.

“Belum sempurna, kira-kira baru 75 persen. Selanjutnya akan dikirim ke Semarang untuk dilengkapi dengan radar, interior, perlengkapan navigasi, serta kelengkapan lainnya,” jelas Baso Muslim.

Ritual Pembuatan
Biasanya, para pengrajin harus menghitung hari baik untuk memulai pencarian kayu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan perahu phinisi. Hari baik itu biasanya jatuh pada hari kelima dan hari ketujuh pada bulan yang berjalan. Angka 5 (naparilimai dalle’na) yang artinya rezeki sudah di tangan, sedangkan angka 7 (natujuangngi dalle’na) berarti selalu memperoleh rezeki. Setelah mendapat hari baik, kepala tukang yang disebut “punggawa” kemudian memulai memimpin pencarian kayu.
Pada saat peletakan lunas, juga harus disertai prosesi khusus. Saat dilakukan pemotongan, lunas diletakkan menghadap Timur Laut. Balok lunas bagian depan merupakan simbol lelaki. Sedang balok lunas bagian belakang diartikan sebagai simbol wanita. Usai dimanterai, bagian yang akan dipotong ditandai dengan pahat. Pemotongan yang dilakukan dengan gergaji harus dilakukan sekaligus tanpa boleh berhenti. Itu sebabnya untuk melakukan pemotongan harus dikerjakan oleh orang yang bertenaga kuat. Demikian selanjutnya setiap tahapan selalu melalui ritual tertentu.

Acara peluncuran perahu phinisi berukuran jumbo di Pantai Panrang Luhu, Desa Bira, Kecamatan Bontobahari, Bulukumba, pada Selasa malam, 8 November 2011, seperti biasanya, diawali dengan prosesi ritual adat.
Sebagaimana biasa pula, ritual adat dimulai dengan upacara appasili atau tolak bala. Seperti dilaporkan Ubayd dalam situs web Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Bulukumba (, untuk kelengkapan upacara appasili sebelumnya telah disiapkan seikat dedaunan yang terdiri dari daun sidinging, sinrolo, taha tinappasa, taha siri, panno-panno yang diikat bersama pimping. Selain itu, juga disiapkan kue-kue tradisional seperti gogoso’, onde-onde, songkolo’, cucuru’, dan lain-lain.
Upacara dimulai tepat pada pukul 21.00 wita. Pembuat kapal dan sanro (dukun), serta tamu khusus dan tokoh masyarakat duduk berhadap-hadapan di atas geladak kapal mengelilingi kelengkapan upacara yang akan dipakai dalam upacara appasili.
Tak lama kemudian, terlihat mulut sanro berkomat-kamit membacakan mantera-mantera songkabala atau tolak bala. Di depan sang sanro terdapat sebuah wajan yang berisi air (dari mata air) dan seikat dedaunan untuk membacakan mantera dengan khidmat dan khusuk. Air tersebut kemudian dimantera-manterai sambil diaduk-aduk dengan menggunakan seikat dedaunan yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya. Setelah pembacaan mantera selesai, tersebut dipercikkan ke sekeliling perahu dengan cara dikibas-kibaskan dengan ikatan dedaunan tadi. Setelah upacara selesai, kemudian para tamu dijamu dengan penganan tradisional.

Ritual Ammossi
Puncak acara ritual adalah ammossi, yakni penetapan dan pemberian pusat pada pertengahan lunas perahu yang selanjutnya akan dilakukan penarikan perahu ke laut. Pemberian pusat ini berdasar pada kepercayaan bahwa perahu adalah “anak” punggawa / panrita lopi (pembuat perahu). Berdasar pada kepercayaan itu, maka upacara ammossi merupakan merupakan simbolisasi pemotongan tali pusar bayi yang baru lahir.
Sebelum prosesi ammossi dilakukan, seluruh kelengkapan upacara disiapkan di sekitar pertengahan lunas perahu yang merupakan tempat upacara. “Punggawa” atau pembuat perahu berjongkok di sebelah pertengahan lunas perahu berhadapan dengan sanro. Tak lama kemudian mulut sanro berkomat-kamit membacakan mantera sambil membakar kemenyan. Selesai membaca mantera, sang sanro membuat lubang di tengah kalabiseang, selanjutnya kalabiseang dibor sampai tembus ke sebelah kanan lunas perahu.
Setelah prosesi ammossi selesai, dimulailah ritual penarikan perahu ke tengah laut. Prosesi ini dahulunya memanfaatkan tenaga manusia yang sangat banyak untuk menarik perahu ke laut, namun karena tonase perahu sangat berat, prosesi ini sudah menggunakan peralatan yang lebih “modern”, yaitu katrol.
Pada prosesi peluncuran malam itu, penarikan perahu phinisi menggunakan katrol dan rantai sebagai simbolisasi penarikan perahu. Perahu yang ditarik sudah dianggap masuk ke laut jika badan perahu telah menyentuh air laut.

Sejarah Phinisi
Perahu Phinisi telah digunakan di Indonesia sejak beberapa abad yang lalu. Perahu phinisi diperkirakan sudah ada sebelum tahun 1500-an. Menurut naskah Lontarak I Babad La Lagaligo, perahu phinisi (ketika itu belum diberi nama phinisi) pertama sekali dibuat oleh Sawerigading, Putera Mahkota Kerajaan Luwu, pada abad ke-14, untuk berlayar menuju Negeri Tiongkok. Sawerigading menuju Tiongkok untuk meminang Putri Tiongkok yang bernama We Cudai.
Sawerigading berhasil sampai di Negeri Tiongkok dan juga berhasil memperisteri Puteri We Cudai. Setelah beberapa lama tinggal di Negeri Tiongkok, Sawerigading kembali ke kampung halamannya dengan menggunakan perahu phinisinya ke Luwu.
Menjelang masuk perairan Luwu, perahu phinisi diterjang gelombang besar dan perahu tersebut terbelah tiga yang terdampar di Desa Ara, Desa Tanah Beru, dan Desa Lemo-lemo. Masyarakat pada ketiga desa tersebut kemudian merakit pecahan kapal tersebut menjadi perahu yang kemudian dinamakan Phinisi.

Dua Jenis
Ada dua jenis perahu phinisi, yaitu Lamba atau Lambo dan Palari. Phinisi jenis lamba atau lambo adalah perahu phinisi modern yang masih bertahan sampai saat ini dan sekarang dilengkapi dengan motor diesel (PLM), sedangkan perahu phinisi jenis palari adalah bentuk awal perahu phinisi dengan lunas yang melengkung dan ukurannya lebih kecil dari jenis Lamba.

Terancam Punah
Para pengrajin perahu Phinisi di Kabupaten Bulukumba telah beberapa kali memasarkan perahu phinisi ke luar negeri. Negara yang menjadi pasar mereka antara lain Singapura, Papua Nugini, Polandia, Australia, Perancis, Jerman, dan sejumlah negara Eropa lainnya.
Meskipun namanya sudah terkenal ke seantero dunia, perahu phinisi harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa “mereka” kini terancam punah. Kendala utama yang dihadapi para pengrajin perahu phinisi di Bulukumba saat ini adalah masalah kayu atau bahan baku pembuatan perahu phinisi.
Bahan baku kayu selama ini didatangkan dari Kalimantan. Kebijakan pemerintah yang membatasi pengadaan kayu dari Kalimantan membuat banyak pengrajin perahu yang pindah ke Kalimantan, Papua, dan Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara.
“Kalau mereka pindah, jelas yang dirugikan adalah Bulukumba sendiri karena kehilangan orang-orang potensial,” kata Kadisbudpar Bulukumba, Andi Nasaruddin Gau, kepada wartawan di Bulukumba, seperti diberitakan harian Tribun Timur, Makassar, Senin, 7 November 2011.
Nasaruddin berharap Pemprov Sulsel turun tangan mencari solusi agar pengrajin Phinisi di Bulukumba tidak punah.

Phinisi Berlayar Sampai ke Madagaskar

Kawasan pembuatan perahu phinisi terletak di Kabupaten Bulukumba, sekitar 150 kilometer dari Kota Makassar. Karenanya Kabupaten Bulukumba juga populer sebagai Butta Panrita Lopi (kampung ahli perahu), Masyarakatnya terkenal sangat piawai dalam membuat perahu phinisi yang diwarisi secara turun temurun.Perajin perahu akan ditemukan di hampir setiap pesisir pantai Bulukumba.
Untuk sampai ke lokasi pembuatan perahu phinisi di Bulukumba, tepatnya di Tana Beru,
dibutuhkan sekitar lima hingga tujuh jam perjalanan lewat darat dari Kota Makassar. Di pesisir pantai berjarak 24 kilometer dari Ibu Kota Bulukumba inilah tempat pertama kalinya perahu Phinisi Nusantara diluncurkan untuk mengarungi SamudPera Pasifik hingga ke Vancouver, Kanada, dengan dikomandoi nakhoda Ammanagappa. hinisi ini berlayar sampai Madagaskar, juga Hati Marege dan Damar Sagara yang masing-masing berlayar ke Australia dan Negeri Sakura, Jepang.

Pembuatan perahu diawali dengan upacara ritual spesifik yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai budaya setempat. Perahu dibuat menggunakan kayu pilihan, dengan memadukan keterampilan teknis dan kekuatan magis

Pada setiap bagian kapal sarat dengan falsafah hidup. Masyarakat setempat yakin bahwa kemampuan mereka membuat perahu lebih karena kedekatan mereka pada alam dan “sukma” laut. Keahlian para panrita lopi dari Bulukumba sudah terkenal sampai ke mancanegara. Umumnya adalah pesanan orang Eropa.

Teknik pembuatan kapal tradisional phinisi yang dibuat masyarakat Bulukumba terbilang unik, karena tidak lazim dan menyimpang dari teori umum teknik perkapalan

Kalau pada pembuatan perahu modern yang dibuat terlebih dahulu adalah rangka kapal kemudian diberi dinding, maka perahu yang dibuat orang di Tanah Beru justru kebalikannya. untuk membuat perahu itu, mereka membuat dinding dahulu, baru kemudian diberi kerangka atau solloro.

Namun anehnya, saat proses pengapungan kapal di lautan, desain kapal yang biasanya tanpa gambar dan hanya mengikuti naluri si pembuatnya, justru memiliki keseimbangan yang luar biasa. Lebih kuat dan tahan ombak dibandingkan dengan perahu yang dibangun mulai dari rangkanya dulu.

Kapal phinisi sesuai desain awalnya, juga tidak menggunakan paku melainkan pasak kayu dan kulit kayu untuk menutupi celah-celah dinding perahu.

Orang Bugis Mendahului Inggris ke Australia

Orang mengenal Australia adalah daerah koloni Inggris yang dirintis sejak tahun 1788 sebagai tempat pembuangan para narapidana dan pelacur. Tapi berdasar penelitian berbagai literatur menunjukkan bahwa orang orang Bugis telah berlayar ke Australia untuk mencari tripang sebelum penjelajah Eropa mencapai benua itu.

Hanya saja, orang Bugis (Sulawesi) tidak mengklaim dan tidak menjadikan penduduk asli Aborigin sebagai bawahannya. Berbeda dengan orang Inggris yang menguasai benua Kanguru tersebut.

Dalam sejarah Indonesia, orang Bugis terkenal dengan kapal Pinisi telah menjelajah perairan di nusantara hingga ke Madagaskar di Afrika pada abad ke- 2, abad ke-4 dan abad ke-10. Sedangkan pada masa Sriwijaya, orang Bugis juga berlayar hingga ke Australia dan Afrika lagi pada abad ke-17.

Orang menyebut Bugis pada waktu itu sebenarnya meliputi sub suku Konjo, Mandar, Bugis dan Makassar. Jenis kapal kayu pinisi telah mengambil peran penting dalam sejarah pelayaran Indonesia selama berabad-abad.
Pada awalnya, orang-orang Eropa tidak tertarik menjadikan Australia sebagai koloni mereka. Namun, belakangan Inggris merasa terpukul karena koloninya yang paling penting di benua Amerika memerdekakan diri pada tahun 1776 yaitu Amerika Serikat.

Inggrisi juga dipusingkan oleh sistem penjara mereka yang tak lagi mampu menampung para narapidana. Maka Australia pun mulai dilirik sebagai tanah yang menjanjikan bagi pembentukan koloni baru. Inggris kemudian memutuskan untuk mengirim para narapidana yang sudah tak bisa ditampung penjara-penjara Inggris ke Australia menjadi generasi awal yang membangun koloni di sana.

Dalam tulisan Alwi Alatas, doktor bidang sejarah di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa MalingSea yang dikutip hidayatullah, menjelaskan pembentukan koloni baru ini bermula pada Januari 1788.

Sejak tahun itu Inggris mengirim para narapidana ke Australia secara bertahap hingga pertengahan abad 19 telah terkirim 150.000 orang. Dua puluh persen dari jumlah ini merupakan kaum perempuan dan berprofesi sebagai pelacur.

Setelah perekonomian koloni mulai berkembang, para imigran bukan narapidana dari berbagai negara Eropa mulai berdatangan ke benua Australia. Walau begitu, para narapidanalah yang telah memulai sejarah Australia modern.

Orang-orang dan anak-anak keturunan narapidana dan pelacurlah yang menjadi generasi awal pembentuk masyarakat dan negara Australia yang kini telah maju. Sejak itu terbuka jalan bagi terbentuknya peradaban baru di dua benua yang sangat besar yaitu Amerika dan Australia.

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Phinisi is A Masterpieces of Konjos Tribe Sea Gypsien of South Sulawesi

boats – a masterpiece of traditional Bugis-Makassar design – are exceptionally strong, and are famous for their ability to break through high waves and sail vast distances.
The wooden boats have sailed the Pacific to Japan and Vancouver as well as the Indian Ocean to Madagascar and to Australia.

For Bugis-Makassar people, phinisi boats have served as a means of transportation for generations. The boats are used not only to connect islands and countries but also for trading purposes.
The typical features of phinisi ships, with two masts and seven sails of different sizes in orderly arrangement, distinguish them from other traditional wooden boats in the country.

With their unique shape and strength, phinisi vessels are almost entirely built traditionally, in method and equipment.
The center of phinisi shipbuilding lies in two areas – Tana Beru and Bira – in Bulukumba regency, 180 kilometers south of Makassar in South Sulawesi.

In the regency dubbed butta panrita lopi or shipbuilders’ kampong, most people are skilled in building not only phinisi boats but also various types of wooden boats for island waters and motorboats for fishermen.
The boat craftsmen in Bulukumba do not have special engineering training. They don’t need complicated designs or technical calculations to determine the quantity of materials needed. Everything is handled according to traditional methods.

In building a ship or boat, craftsmen use a method that would be impossible in the mainstream shipbuilding industry. Bulukumba builders begin with the bottom and sides of the boat instead of the frame. But they rightly establish the boat’s balance so it will float perfectly when launched into the water.
“We just use our feelings based on our vision and judgment. That’s our guide in building a ship or boat,” said Andi Herman, 40 Years old, a boat craftsman or panrita lopi, at his shipbuilding site in Tana Beru village.
Expertise like Andi is inherited through generations and centuries, a knowledge that is further honed through daily practice with the help of builders’ instincts and natural gifts.

Phinisi shipbuilders also faithfully observe local customs believed to guarantee the success of their work, particularly in phinisi building.
One of the customs strictly adhered to is the holding of rituals before building a boat and before its launch into the sea, asking for smooth construction and safety.
Constructing a phinisi boat usually takes months before the vessel can be used by the buyer or owner.
Builders also support their workers. “Their feelings shouldn’t be hurt as this may disturb their work and be fatal to a ship’s safety. So we always pay their salaries before they start working so they can perform their job peacefully,” Andi said.

Phinisi vessels prove that Bugis-Makassar tradition and culture have survived current technology and modernity. This is true in spite of the shrinking number of phinisi builders, as many have moved to other provinces or other countries. Only two big phinisi industrialists operate in Bulukumba, Muslim Baso in Bira and Abdullah in Tana Beru, the rest being a handful of small-scale businessmen.
The small number of phinisi producers is due to difficulties in finding proper materials. A phinisi boat needs several types of wood and not all are available now in Bulukumba or other areas of South Sulawesi but have to be brought from other provinces like ironwood from Southeast Sulawesi and ulin (a variety of ironwood) from Kalimantan.

To overcome this problem, Muslim proposed the Bulukumba administration cooperate with those provinces so as to guarantee a supply of wood for craftsmen. So far, material purchases are the biggest operational costs, as the wood is obtained by paying cash, which requires large capital.
“Without such cooperation and government assistance the number of phinisi producers will keep decreasing until their eventual disappearance, with the ships only continuing as memories,” Andi said.

The pinisi or phinisi is a traditional Indonesian

The pinisi or phinisi is a traditional Indonesian two-masted sailing ship. It was mainly built by the Konjo tribe, a sub-ethnic group of Bugis-Makassar mostly residents at the Bulukumba regency of South Sulawesi but was and and still is used widely by the Buginese and Makassarese, mostly for transportation and agricultural purposes.

General description

The hull of the ships looks similar to that of a dhow while the fore-and-aft rigging reminds of western schooners, although it might be more correctly termed to resemble a ketch, as the front mast is the larger.
The large mainsails differ from western style gaff rigs though, as they often do not have a boom and the sail is not lowered with the gaff. Instead it is reefed towards the mast, much like a curtain, thus allowing the gaff to be used as deck crane in the harbour. The lower part of the mast itself may resemble a tripod or is made of two poles.
Pinisi may be 20 to 35 meters long and 350 tons in size. The masts may reach to 30 meters above the deck.

Types of pinisi

There are two general types of Pinisi.[1]
  • Lamba or lambo. Pinisi of a long and slender built, having a straight stern. This type of Pinisi is the one currently surviving in its motorized version (PLM).
  • Palari. Older type of Pinisi with a curved stern and keel. They were usually smaller than the Lamba.


The first pinisi ships are said to have been built after the example of the Dutch "pinas" (pinnace) introduced to the region by the V.O.C. around 1600. These probably carried lateen or other type of sails, as the modern schooner rig did not become prominent before the 19th century.
Traditional Buginese lontara manuscripts and stories document the use of pinisi by Buginese for transport, as a sailing boat, and a warship.
During the alliance with the Dutch colonialists, pinisis were mainly used as trade ships, transports, and for fishing. Some sources[which?] say that at the time of the Indonesian National Awakening pinisi were used by Buginese and people of Sulawesi as warships during the Indonesian struggle for independence.

Design and construction

Several parts of the pinisi are referred to by their original Buginese names, such as: 1. Anjong, (balancing triangle) located at the front deck (Anjungan) 2. Sombala (main sail) the largest sail in the ship 3. Tanpasere (small sail) triangle-shaped, located at each mast 4. Cocoro pantara (front additional sail). 5. Cocoro tangnga (middle additional sail) 6. Tarengke (row additional sail)) 7. etc.

Modern use

As with many traditional ship types, pinisi have been provided with motors, largely since 1970. This has changed the appearance of the ships. Comparable to modern dhows, the masts have been shortened, or omitted as deck cranes vanished completely, while structures on deck, usually aft, have been enlarged for the crew and passengers.

Phinisi There Is Tanahberu Bulukumba INDONESIA

Village residents asked TRY Land Lemo, Ara, and Bira in Bulukumba, 150 km from Makassar. Anyone of them could make Phinisi? Simultaneously they will be held up her index finger: "Our experts make it Bugis boat." On the hard earth freshwater birthplace of the sailors, established as a pillar Phinisi customary. Look along the coast of Land Lemo. Bitti wood pieces scattered. In some simple dock, which was composed of wood, keel boats already integrates with the framework.

Patorani, sturdy pole boat, ready planted. From there, soon, a traditional boat ready . Can Phinisi, palori, or lembo, three boat name. No longer Bitti "All parts of sea water has been," vowed Bugis sailors. So, many already are interested in Phinisi toughness.

Cormerais, French screen teacher who mated pole patorani with the mechanical screen. Phinisi biological mother on the beaches of Bugis. Phinisi worked so long in a simple, until last March when the cooperative formed in the area of ​​production of the Land boat Lemo, Bulukumba

Come down capital assistance from the Government amounting to USD 150 million. So, from the bivouac, bivouac, there came a whistling and pounding hammers chainsaw, build a boat that worth USD 30 million. That's where the artists work in wholesale boat, chasing income of Rp 120 thousand per month. But, listen too drums, laughter. And the little children who ask for pen and money to his guest. Now, as spelled Ahmed Nur, the manager of the boat Ammana Gappa, no longer lonely because investors bitti wood. Even a new skipper skipper aliases when looking for his men drove the boat ready

Stories About Travel Phinisi Nusantara

In the movie Titanic described how technologically advanced steamers in his time was sinking after hitting an iceberg in the middle Atlantic Ocean and claimed many lives. Meanwhile, Phinisi traditional ship passengers who were stranded on the island archipelago Coral Musi, Thousand Islands, on Sunday (15 / 9) all survived. Phinisi has ever managed to cross the Pacific Ocean the plan would bring joy sailing students in Secondary Schools (SMU) as DKI Jakarta recognize the sea. Ship tour on the date of 13 September 2002 even 16-year-old it and will be celebrated at next week stranded in the waters rock carried away by the wind. Until recently, he was still submerged waiting for help from anyone who cares to him. With a half-hull ship stuck on the reef, deck helter skelter, the front mast (fore sail) screens floating on the water and Jib is torn and the silence in the fog that gripped, This is how the traditional sailing ship which is currently Phinisi Nusantara This is still aground.

Towards VancouverIf we look backward for a moment of history, this vessel successfully make its maiden voyage across the Pacific Ocean toward Vancouver, Canada, July 9, 1986 ago. In the harbor Marine Plaza, Phinisi archipelago was visited by many from the Vancouver community.

Traditional boat is in great demand by visitors for vessel made of wood it bravely crossed the ocean A terrifying Pacific.

At that time, people visit Vancouver to Phinisi archipelago each pretty busy day, an average of about 3,000 people. The peak at 21 September 1986, the ship was visited by approximately 25,000 visitors. Vancuover own community also has a maritime history of the old and continually maintained and diligently, thus, the presence of sailboats like Phinisi archipelago which has an international reputation certainly get a warm welcome.

However, the interest to buy this boat was not great. Even after one week Phinisi Nusantara moored at Marine Plaza, yet there is a bid was coming. Central committee who were in Jakarta, Minister of Finance JB Sumarlin EXPO '86 as well as the person in charge of Indonesia, took steps to collect the American Oil Consortium in Indonesia for Phinisi buy Archipelago and donated to an agency or marine-related foundations.

Also, at first the ship was also projected to participate in the international arena on the theme of EXPO '86 "World in Motion, World in Touch" and after attending the show then the ship will be submitted to the Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego (UCSD). But in fact authorized official representing the University, namely Dr. Donald J Raidt not yet willing to sign the script before handover There is no certainty for Phinisi Nusantara renovated first so that they meet U.S. Bureau of Classification Standard (American Bureau of Shipping) and this are constrained by the cost, which is around $ 500,000 U.S..

Phinisi Nusantara 62 Days Across Continent

History has noted, that a sailboat from Tanahberu successfully crossed the continent as far as 10 thousand kilometers in 62 days time.

Phinisi archipelago, thus the name of a very graceful sailboat made Tanahberu Indonesia who managed to make a record sailing boat made of wood across the continent capable of vicious.

The trip was started from the North Jakarta Muarabaru to Vancouver Canada. The boat was made by the hands of artisans from Bulukumba, South Sulawesi. Unfortunately the boat was actually sinking in his native country in 2002, but the spirit remains immortal.

There are three villages in the district that became the center Bontobahari Phinisi boat building, Village Ara Among other things, Tanahberu, and Village Lemo-Lemo. Of the three this village, became the center Tanahberu Phinisi boat production.

Typical pinisi boat has two poles and seven strands of the screen. In addition, the pavilion is also distinctive tapered shape to the end. While the connection paid off, the engagement of all end of the board or in local language called sotting also have a distinctive arch shape.

Phinisi From Tanahberu | Bulukumba

At the southern tip of Sulawesi island, the locals built a nautical tradition for hundreds of years. The stories about the courage of the sailors Bugis, Makassar, Mandar, and Konjo has become a byword down to the distant country across the ocean.

The beauty and robustness in the face of malignancy boat ocean waves, gave birth to the stories of heroism are admirable.

The story of the boat Phinisi from TanahBeru and sailors from Bira, Bulukumba, who drove it, now is not the familiar story. But not many realize the greatness of the sailors from the southern tip of Sulawesi, was built from a long tradition. Culture is based on the myth of the creation of the first boat by their ancestors.
Once Upon A Time in the TanahBeru mythology society, their ancestors to create a larger boat to sail the seas, carrying merchandise and fishing. When the first boat built, sailed boats in the middle of the sea. But an accident happened on the road. Waves and storm struck the boat and destroy it. Body parts in Hamlet Ara stranded boat, sails landed at Tanjung Bira and it landed in the Land Lemo.

The incident seemed to be a symbolic message to the village of Ara. They must beat the sea with the cooperation. Since the incident, the Ara specialize only as a maker of boats. People who acquire the remaining screens pleased boat specializing studying astrology and the signs of nature. While the Lemo-Lemo is memodali and businessmen who use these boats. The tradition of division of labor that has lasted for years that eventually led to the creation of a traditional wooden boat called Phinisi.
Now the mystical beliefs of the ancient mythology was still thick in every process of making Phinisi. Beginning with a small ritual, boat Phinisi made after cutting through the ceremony in full. The ceremony was led by a handler boat called Panrita Lopi.

Various offerings into the conditions that should not be left in this ceremony as all snacks should taste sweet and a white rooster is still healthy. Snacks cause of the desire for boat owners will bring in high profits. A little blood from white cock attached to a keel boat. The ritual as a symbol of hope for there was no blood spilled on the boat that will be created.

Then, the head of the carpenters cut both ends of the hull and submit to the leader of boat building. Pieces of the front end of the keel is discharged to the sea as a sign for the boat can be fused with the waves on the ocean. Being cut back on waste hull ashore to remind boat at sea for as far as he or she must return safely to the mainland. In the end, Panrita Lopi peal prayers before the Creator. 

Internationally, new Phinisi boats last known since 1906. The boat is the most modern form of traditional boat Bugis-Makassar people who have undergone a long evolutionary process. The ship was built as a sailing boat with two poles and seven to eight strands of the screen. In general these are small boats with a carrying capacity of between 20 to 30 tons and length between 10 to 15 meters. Almost the entire boat building done with simple techniques and using the engine power is very minimal.

One boat was made by five to seven artisans who work from the beginning until the boat released into the sea. A foreman regulate the division of tasks. He will determine in detail the basic measures of boats and boat based on the desires of the form.
Simplicity in the process of making visible to Phinisi drawn to the sea. With six people involved in the manufacture of builders, boat driven slowly. When this is the happiest moment of the boatmen and their owners. Launching a boat into the sea as a sign of all the work is finished and ready for a new Phinisi widely across the sea

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